19 Card Designs for the Caring Hearts Card Drive

If you have lots of ideas for Christmas cards, but not enough people to send them to, the Caring...

Add Pages to your 2020 Powersheets

I discovered a quick and easy way to add pages to your 2020 Powersheets. Game. Changer.  Today’s post will...

Honey Bee Stamps Halloween Haul

I’m excited to share a recent purchase with you, my Honey Bee Stamps Halloween haul.

Haunted Graveyard Box Card

Beware trick or treaters! Don’t go into the Haunted Graveyard! Ghouls and goblins are out to get you…..to open...

Cards for Hospitalized Kids

Today I want to share with you a very worthwhile organization, Cards for Hospitalized Kids.
Caring Hearts Card Drive 2019, Holiday
19 Card Designs for the Caring Hearts Card Drive
Add Pages to your 2020 Powersheets
Product Reviews & Previews, Videos
Honey Bee Stamps Halloween Haul
Cards, Cards for Hospitalized Kids, Holiday, Videos
Haunted Graveyard Box Card
Cards for Hospitalized Kids
Cards for Hospitalized Kids

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